Project reports

“For me the greatest pleasure is when the students get past their fear of speaking English.”
Sara Jane Nolte • native speaker at Trave Grund– und Gemeinschaftsschule and Trave Gymnasium.

“helping our children to become confident and successful global citizens”
Kate Scheffler • native speaker at the Stadtschule Bad Oldesloe

“What an adventure!!”
Monique Wengler • native speaker at the Grundschule Falkenfeld

“Children learning English through play in kindergarten”
Henriette Kohnert • English speaking employee in the kindergarten “Die kunterbunte Kinderkiste”

“The children have a natural tendency to speak English with me.”
Kayla Bockshorn • native speaker at the Roter Hahn Primary School

“The key for me is learning by doing.”
Peter Bright • native speaker at the Stadtpark School

“It has been a truly lovely experience.”
Angela Rawson • native speaker at the Stadtpark School

“I am eager to see the progress the kids will have made.”
Shannon Stolzenberg • native speaker at the Trave Community School and the Trave Gymnasium

“A life-changing experience for us all”
Justine Lorenz • bilingual socio-educational assistant

“What makes me really happy is when the children start asking questions.”
Joshua Batson • native speaker, coach for American football and lacrosse

Stadtpark School: Nine-month report
Ralph Bartolomew • interview about the afternoon programme at Stadtpark School

Luther School: Six-month report
Jay Chrapala • “Deutsch/English After-School-Program at the Luther School Lübeck – Six months review”

“Languages open a lot of doors.”
After spending an extended period of time abroad, the Bartz family decided that they wanted their children to have a bilingual education.

»It is extremely gratifying to see children develop confidence.«
Wanda M. Cohen • native speaker at the Stadtpark school

“Bilingual classes – what makes the difference?”
Melanie Pischke • chair of the Parent’s Association at the Luther School.

Afternoon activity at the Luther School
The motto for the English programme at the Luther School is “Acceptance of English in everyday life”.

Pupils opinions
You can see what pupils think about the bilingual education project

DaZ (German as a second language) meets CLIL – Making the synergy effects of different language learning situations visible
Final report by Britta Neuhaus, doctoral candidate, and Prof. Dr. Julia Ricart Brede (Passau University), project leader