“What makes me really happy is when the children start asking questions.”
I am 30 years old. I am from Jacksonville, Florida, USA. I studied music and have been a music teacher for 10 years. I live in Lübeck for 2,5 years now where I play and coach American Football for USC Lübeck Cougars and coach the women’s Lacrosse team.
When I am with the Kindergarten, I introduce the English language to the children. I keep it very simple, so we learn basic vocabulary (numbers, colors, food, and animals). I teach with fun and exciting activities that keep the children interested. One activity I enjoy making with the children is Ki.Tech. We are able to work and build with wood and simple tools and make things like a tower, a bridge, airplanes, and a bird house. What makes me really happy is when the children start asking questions about English and even about America. It lets me know that the children are really interested and curious.
When I am working with other schools and older kids, I mainly focus teaching English through American Sports. I use a lot of body motion when I explain sports speaking so that everyone can understand better. One sport everyone enjoys is Flag Football. It's not too difficult but it is also challenging. The older kids have a little more English knowledge so I really challenge them to speak full complete sentences.

Joshua Batson • native speaker in the Kindergarten St. Gertrud of the Ev.-Luth. Kitawerk Lübeck gGmbH and in the “Kunterbunte Kinderkiste“ • Head of several sports groups at the Trave Gemeinschaftsschule, the Trave Gymnasium and the Thomas Mann Schule