“The key for me is learning by doing.”
My name is Peter Bright and I have worked at the Schule am Stadtpark for a year now. I am an Englishman who has lived in Lübeck for around 15 years. My previous work was as a Building surveyor in England, Language Coach for adults, and now children.
I work a couple of afternoons with the year 4 classes. The childrens English ranges from those with a basic grasp of vocabulary, right through to those who can converse the whole day in English.
The key for me is learning by doing – playing games, running around and generally having fun along with the children. My favorite activities revolve around the more practical handwork skills. Getting the children interested to use handtools – screwdrivers, hammers, drills, sanders etc. to build up the „Bollerwagon“ playground toys, or to renovate the wooden tables and benches in the schoolyard. If the children are having fun and are interested, they pick up the language naturally.
Peter Bright • native speaker at the Stadtpark School